21 May

School and Job Alternation: CO-VER's tomorrow starts with today's students

Also this year CO-VER Power Technology accepted the proposal to join the project "Alternanza Scuola / Lavoro", mandatory for students of all secondary schools in our country.

 In fact, since 2015, the “School and Job Alternation” courses are organically included in the three-year plan of the school offer of the educational institution as an integral part for the studemts' paths.

 For two students from the Marconi Galletti Einaudi Institute in Domodossola the doors of the Verbania Offices have been opened last March, with a program that allowed them to have an overview of the company and a first vision of what the world of the work is.

 Four other students will begin on the 27th of May a route of alternation between school and job related to the chosen academic career: two students will be attending the Administration, Finance and Marketing department of the Ferrini Franzosini Institute in Verbania, while from the Istituto Lorenzo Cobianchi, still in Verbania, an Electronics student and an Energy address student will join our technical staff

 At the end of the activities the evaluation forms will be filled in to compare results and behaviors with the established educational objectives.